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The Smart Better LifeĀ Podcast!


Learn the new science of wellbeing, achieving goals, and finding purpose and meaning in your life.

In a world of ever-increasing complexity, strain, and stress, there is nothing more important than learning how to navigate through it. Most of us haven't been given the tools and the instruction manual to living well. I'm here to change that.Ā 


Annie Bauer, founder of The Smart Better Lifeā„¢ļø and host of The Smart Better Lifeā„¢ļø Podcast | Entrepreneur | Life Coach | Brain Geek

Showing you how to create the lifeĀ you want . . .

no matter how much you think it can't happen for you


  • Learn the principles of how to thrive, what happiness really is, and how to positively change your behavior.Ā  Ā This is the new science from positive psychology, neuroscience, and human behavior.Ā Ā Positive Psychology wasn't really born until 1998. It focuses on flourishing, not what's "wrong" with us.


  • Learn a holistic approach to your life that combines psychology, philosophy, creative arts, neuroscience, spirituality, physics, and more.Ā  Human beings are multi-faceted. It's about time we had a framework for wellness + success that recognizes and embraces a holistic approach.


  • Learn how to have 100% belief in yourself and your dreams using strategies rooted in cognitive and behavioral science so that you can overcome the negative thoughts that might be holding you back.


  • Create more meaning and purpose in your life.Ā  Explore the big questions. Learn how to enjoy the destination. Get to the core of human meaning, why you're here, and how to create big, beautiful dreams for your life.


  • Use my frameworks and methods to take action and get resultsĀ . . . not just sit around learning more "good stuff" without knowing how to implement it. This is not just theory. It's focused on taking action.


  • Get heart-to-heart inspiration and support,Ā Ā like I'm sitting right next to you, believing in you, and cheering you on . . . no matter how lonely and confusing it feels on your journeyĀ through life.

Pop in for a Quick Preview!Ā 

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The Smart Better Life Podcast with Annie Bauer playing on an iPhone with Airpods lying next to it

What people are saying

Gold quote marks to signify a quoted review from a podcast listener
Teach - Coach - InspireĀ 

Ā ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­

When Annie says sheā€™s here to ā€œteach, coach, and inspireā€ you, sheā€™s not kidding!Ā 
Iā€™ve had the privilege of listening to Annie for almost 5 years and I can hands down say she has changed my life.Ā Ā So excited her podcast is out so she can impact more people!


Josh McLean, Founder at catalystignite.com
Folashade Oladipo Mind-Body Balance Therapy "Annie's Smart Better Life Podcasts are enriching. Each episode is laden with such great nuggets of transformation. She understands issues and connects deeply to bring great results."

Recent Episodes

Annie Bauer, host of The Smart Better Lifeā„¢ļø Podcast in orange blouse seated in a chair in front of a fireplace


Hey there!

I'm Annie Bauer

I didn't just randomly decide to start teaching about the psychology of wellbeing and goal achievement.

I'm here because I've been knocked down in life . . . hard.Ā  And a lot.Ā 

When I was at the lowest points in my life, I vowed to figure out how to always get back up again.

I knew there had to be a better way than what I had been shown or taught. I knew that if I could just learn how to do things differently, I would always know how to keep rising up . . . no matter what life threw at me.

It took years of trial and error and spending lots of time and money learning everything I could about psychology, how my brain works, and how to create my own, different path in life that was much more fulfilling and vibrant.

I had to learn how to stop people-pleasing, sabotaging myself, and letting others dictate what was possible for me. I learned how to be true to myself.

Then I went to the next level and started creating what I call ā€œBig Possibilitiesā€ in place of playing it safe and small.

I made a promise to myself years ago: If I could figure out how to pull myself up by the bootstraps, then I would commit to teaching others like YOU that "Big Possibilities" are within your reach, too . . . no matter who you are or where you're starting from.

In the last 30 years, really transformational science has been developed and refined that teaches us how to live a better life and fulfill more of our potential.

Most of us don't even know it exists.

I'm here to share everything I learn with you.

Don't Go It Alone

Together Is Better.

It's often not easy to implement change in your life.

It takes a lot of hard work.

It requires a pretty radical belief in yourself and learning how to develop skills to go after your best life . . . and get it.

There is a new science forĀ  developing the skills to pursue a life with happiness, purpose, and success.

I can teach you how to get out of negative thinking cycles, stop burning out your brain and body, and get what you want.

We live in a complicated, stressful world right now. I believe that learning the skills to deal with today's issues and how to thrive will be the most important investment in your life that you can make.
I started The Smart Better Life Podcast to guide you past all the confusion, fear, and doubt so you that you can pursue a rich life that's worth living.

Thanks for joining me in our conversations together.

Think of me as your Shotgun Rider in Life with a little dose of Chief Booty Kicker.Ā 

Together we can do incredible things.

Letā€™s go.


Woman in a yellow sweater listening to the podcast at her table in her she-shed or camper van mobile office
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