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Easy Privacy Policy for Websites: Don't Break the Law!

Annie Bauer in her home office at her desk with laptop open checking out her website


Did you know that if you don't have a legally correct privacy policy on your website and landing pages, you might be breaking the law?

Having a well-written privacy policy on your landing pages and website will help keep you out of hot water when you're doing business online.

Watch the video below to learn more. And stay until the end. I'll be sharing with you what LTV is.


What is a Privacy Policy?

A privacy policy tells your site visitors or customers what kind of information you're collecting about them when they visit your site. And yes, your site collects information about people just because it exists, so you'll need this. 

A privacy policy also tells people what you do with their information that you collect.




How to Get a Privacy Policy


Providing a privacy policy for your website and landing pages helps form the backbone for what your email subscription standards and policies will look like. 

If all this legal stuff sounds a little scary, don't worry. I've got you covered with a template bundle that includes a privacy policy.

You're a busy entrepreneur building a business, and you need to be focusing on generating revenue. So who has time to deal with legal jargon?

Save yourself, time, money, and effort by leaving the legal stuff to the legal professionals. 

You can go straight to The Contract Shop®️ and grab your Privacy Policy Bundle.


Website Privacy Policies Are Required by Law


A privacy policy on your website and landing pages is required by law all over the world.

Because your website exists on the internet and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, you need to have a privacy policy that is covered by international, country, state, and regional laws.

In addition, if you plan on selling from your website--and I hope that you do because that's probably why you have an online business--there are companies out there like Stripe and Paypal that process your payments. They have their own terms and conditions and privacy policies. They're expecting that you're running a business with a website that has a legally responsible privacy policy as well. They want your interests--and theirs--protected when accepting payments online.


Legal Partners Help Keep You Up to Date with New Laws


Privacy policies now are being initiated by certain regions in the world and certain states within the United States.

For example, California has its own privacy policy. So anyone who accesses your website or your landing pages from California should know that you are complying with California state laws. 

The only way to keep up with these kinds of laws is to make sure that you have a legal professional behind your website.

Another example of this is the European Union. The EU has GDPR, and you must comply with the GDPR and their rules around privacy, the information you collect, and the transparency that you're providing when you collect that information. 

The bottom line here with all of this information:  Your focus should be on building and scaling your business--not trying to be a legal professional.

You'll want to make sure that you have a privacy policy that is written by a legal professional who has  covered all these bases for you and is also keeping your policy and terms and conditions up-to-date.


What Should Be in a Privacy Policy


There are many things that need to be included in your privacy policy.

What kind of information are you collecting?

How are you collecting that  information? Is it through Google Analytics, cookies, or both on your website?

This needs to be specifically stated and very clear to your viewer who lands on your page.

They also need to know why you're collecting this information.

Are you using it for advertising?

Are you using it so that you can reach out and communicate with them or send them receipts when they make purchases on your website?

This needs to be stated as well. 

In addition, you also need to let your viewers on your pages know how you're using that information.

For example, would you ever sell your email list?

If you are going to sell your email list (and I hope that you don't), then that needs to be stated in your  privacy policy as well.

If you're not going to resell people's information or provide that email list to others, then you need to let your end-users know.

Be transparent with them and state that you don't share their personal information with other companies.

Then follow through and comply with the privacy policy that you've provided. 

Finally, you'll need to have a clear way for people to opt-out of having their information collected.

This means disclosure about accepting cookies, giving them the ability to unsubscribe, and more.


Get a Privacy Policy Bundle Written by an Attorney


Because we take our legal policies and responsibilities so seriously, we have researched many companies and chosen one of the best options to provide legal templates and bundles and contracts for you.

Our source here at The Smart Better Life™️ has been vetted so that we make sure that we are compliant and legally protected. And we want this for you, our client, as well.

Purchasing legal templates and bundles from someone who is a legal pro and who also understands the world of the digital online entrepreneur is important.

Therefore, we chose The Contract Shop®️.

A must-have when you're establishing your website is the Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Bundle.

The bundle pack is the best deal, saving you hundreds of dollars over buying each of the templates separately.

By the way, we don't recommend any products or services that we don't personally use here at Annie Bauer and The Smart Better Life™️ ourselves.

Everything that we recommend here is based on the tools that we know you need to be successful and  legally sound.


Bonus Tip: Know Your LTV

One of the most important numbers that you need to know in your business is called LTV. It's the lifetime value or the long-term value of your customer or client.

To run your business successfully, start moving away from a transaction mindset and start moving towards a relationship mindset instead. 

A viewer might come to your website and start out by buying one of your low priced items first. It could be a product, service, or course.  But if you treat that customer or client like a highly valued person and build trust in the relationship that is full of transparency, the long-term value of that customer over months or years will be many times the value of their original purchase.

And believe me, it's much better to retain the clients and customers that you have and add value to them over a longer time than to constantly be seeking new customers.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to have a website with full disclosure regarding your policies and terms.

Go to the links below and get started right now on making your website--and your company--legally compliant and customer-focused.


NOTE: I'm not an attorney and this video does not constitute legal advice. If you have further questions, seek out an attorney who specializes in legal for online businesses and privacy law.


Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Bundle

Privacy Policy

The Contract Shop®️

Annie Bauer

Annie is a self-proclaimed passionate "geeky nerd-researcher" on all things related to living well, increasing our income, and realizing more of our potential. Drawing from psychology, neuroscience, business, and more, she teaches entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders how to build better brains so they can reach higher levels of financial freedom.

She enjoys sharing what she learns in her YouTube videos, podcast episodes, and posts or articles online. Click your favorite platform below and drop her a "hello"!

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